Jul 20Liked by Richard Nielsen

It seems to me, that Wyoming needs to carry on with business as usual. Taking jobs away from individuals who provide for families or dollars from Wyomings GDP is none of the Federal Governments business. Reclaim Independence and Freedom. Free men don’t ask for permission.

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Well, that is our thought too. Cowboy Up!

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Are the “Big Wonderful Wyoming” mudflaps still common on the pickups? I remember lots of those growing up in Wyoming as a kid.

And yeah, the feds are after the state. So much of Wyoming is Federal land- NPS, BLM, Forest Service. If/when there are people in those organizations with pro-West values, things go okay. But when the Swamp/Coastal Elites come in, things get hairy.

If there’s a sign of where Wyoming should absolutely not go, look South. So much of Colorado has been completely colonized.

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No doubt, Colorado is lost.

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Jul 21Liked by Richard Nielsen

I drive through Wyoming every year to see my brother in South Dakota. You have a great state and I am hoping and praying you are able to keep it that way. I love seeing those long trains hauling coal, or is it Tesla fuel? I also love seeing the oil pumpers all over. It looks like money to me!

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Great work, Richard!

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Jul 13Liked by Richard Nielsen

Nice piece. Reading it made me want to move to Wyoming and get a Cowboy boyfriend and our own ranch XD

If seriously, though, it's tragic that even state relative autonomy can't save us from federal attacks on our basic freedoms, human rights, agriculture, economy, our everything.

There are two solutions - either more independence to states and parallel structures to counter official corrupt ones, or massive uprising and complete rebuilding of the whole system at all levels.

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Well hunting here is a little slim, we be only less than 500k folks, which I am sure seems crazy from states that have millions. I thank you for your thoughts, I do not write often, so every critique I cherish, even the bad ones. However if you want to get lost for a bit, a great place to be.

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Jul 13Liked by Richard Nielsen


Thanks for the shout out. Those of us that love Wyoming the U.S.A. and our way of living need to stick together and educate the misguided ones. Of which there are millions.....Have a great weekend!


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Jul 22Liked by Richard Nielsen

Hey, Dick, better edit your meme. Your and you’re are not the same, even in Wyoming, or Montana, or even New Jersey.

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Jul 14Liked by Richard Nielsen

It matters very much how we do it and what we are doing.

This is God's world. He gave us mother earth and the animals.

We, human kind, have ruthlessly abused both. Even for our entertainment animals had to suffer.. the Natives woud call it: ill begotten.

We have lost respect for Gods creation and forgot all about who truly is in charge.

Lost in greed, arrogance and ignorance.

It always ends up in insanity and disaster, history has proven that. Over and over again.

Ask the Nazi's, Old Romans, Inkans and Mayans...

Now, it seems, we are getting the bill...

We were given paradise! Wyoming is one place where that is undeniable!

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I am confused on a couple of your points, what have Nazi's, Rome, Inca, and Mian culture have to do with the nonsensical policy coming from Washington? You also misstate a couple things, God gave it to us and the animals, they were not put here to simply sustain us, they sustain the earth as well. without them, the various ecosystems would fail. I do believe in God, but I have a different view, God PUT US in charge, and we will be judged for our leadership. I do agree that a lot have lost respect for God and Christ. If you believe we are getting the bill, I would like to know what it says, because all evidence that is real actually proves that mother earth is just doing her thing.

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Jul 14Liked by Richard Nielsen

The Nazi's and so forth were all societies who's leaders were taken over by greed that turned into insanity, they crashed and burned.

God gave us free will but we will also get the consequences.

It is Thy will. Not our will.

We do not own the land, the water, the sand or the sky.

It was given to us, free.

We are custodians with the purpose of leaving it better and better for every following generation. By learning and following the spiritual principals.

Not to possess, enslave, kill, exploit, or subjugate.

Our real purpose, everyday, is to find Gods will for us.

I had an interesting conversation in India with a holy man. We talked about judgment day and he asked me: what will your walk look like?

What? I didn't get it..

He said: the day you will meet our maker, walk towards that throne, in a room where everything you helped and nurtured will be on your right and everything you have hurt/ killed or distroyed on your left ... what will your walk look like?

That Hindu man taught me more that day then all the preaching and teaching I ever got in church ... lol

The St. Frances prayer comes to mind.

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First let me say I cherish the fact that you got to enjoy another persons wisdom in that way. Most do not get that opportunity.

I agree the world has taught me more than I ever learned from the sacristy. One such example happened to me while I was stationed in Germany, then West Germany, and similar to yours gave me a bit of spiritual awakening. I was a dumb kid at the time, and very immature.

Yes we are in fact the custodians of our earth. Our earth is the sole provider of our sustenance. FACT this is indisputable. Many do not know or care, but it is FACT.

We silly humans however have a couple of tendency's that cause things to go the directions we have gone.

One is power. Power is a seduction that enthralls some people just like pornography, and drugs. Power is pervasive, it leaves one wanting more and is more dangerous than any narcotic. It has been the destruction of churches, kingdoms, nations, et al.

The second is curiosity. It is a good thing, it leads us to look to see how things work, we design, we build, we use things. It is my opinion that God does approve of our use of the natural resources given us. If he did not, then they would not exist.

The question is, are we doing it right? In some cases I would say yes, in some no. You are correct in that greed and power have misused, abused, and even short term but mother earth has this great ability of self correcting, often to our demise. So be ti.

Our planet has an equilibrium that will always be reached. Scientific fact.

Science and God do agree, some would argue that, but they are wrong.

One has to honestly measure hyperbole from truth. One also has to measure progress from failure. Currently we are on a path to abject failure.

Thank you for your well thought response, I do not see many.

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Thank you! I appreciate your kind words!

Nothing opens ones horizon like travelling.

I will never foget that man, I didn't know it then but yes, it was a spritual experience and it changed me forever. I was in my early 20's.. long time ago.

Life is the best teacher.

Yes! Curiosity didn't just kill the cat .. too many temptations and not enough spiritual guidance and soluions, just education, all focused on the less- important things, now everyone is running around, lost, desperately trying to fill that God- sized hole in their chest with consumerism and distractions... numbing the pain. The social fabric is tearing.

Just because we can doesn't mean we should .. good measure, balance and common sense seem to have left us.

No doubt, Science and Religion will meet. We have found the "God Particle" and even weight the soul.

Could not agree more! Mother Earth will rid itself from this human plague.

Maybe this time around we will learn our lesson. If we get another chance.

It's been a pleasure!! 🙌

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Thank you for a great piece. God bless Wyoming. Also reminded me of the line: “Hi. I’m from the government and I’m here to help”. I’m not sure that ever truly captured the reality. A revision: “Hi. I’m from the government and I’m here to force my agenda on you for your own good, and to just eff up anything good you got going on.”

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This is all to destroy independence and grab more control over what you can and can’t do

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